
Food-Food-Food Saying it three times is better than once! We live to EAT and we want our RRR247 family to eat well. We have uncovered two incredible programs to enhance our Members enjoyment of food and the events that surround it. These programs come with a lot of knowledge and facts behind them, so enjoy the information. We love that someone shared this with us. Now we get to Pay It Forward to others.

These Two Solutions Will Change your Life.

Firstly; Direct To Consumer is the Absolute Best Way to Go. Especially when it comes to getting Superior Pricing and Availability.

OPTION 1: You can Access our Direct To Consumer “Fine Wines to your Door” program:

See the details Here. This Program is the “ABSOLUTE BEST EVER”. Our Wine of the Month Program provides exceptional customer service to both wine novices and enthusiasts. We offer an unparalleled selection of fine wines, with a new selection available every month. Our program is designed to cater to all wine preferences, making it priceless for all wine lovers. And when you access this Program you are literally tapped into the World of Wine at the Highest Level of Fine Wines, giving you the education you need to become a Connoisseur! It’s not often that you come across a program that gives you such high-quality products. Take the plunge and enjoy some mighty fine wines.

OPTION 2: We have another Membership. And it will totally set you apart from the Rest of the World!

This is for our Community Members. It’s all spelled out here if you want the full details. When you see what it nis and how it works, you will want to thank us immediately. This is the Holy Grail of Opportunities and compliments Option 1 just perfectly.

Thanks for checking out our Food-Food-Food page, and please, take a moment to check out these two great offers.